Menopause in the workplace


building resilience

Research finds that resilience is a key attribute that supports a helpful transition through the peri-menopause. Resilience is associated with factors such as high self-esteem and self-compassion. However, many women report diminished self-esteem and confidence during the peri-menopause, especially at work, which may lead to absence and can even lead to women stepping away from the workplace entirely as the symptoms of the peri-menopause become too debilitating. For employers, that means you are losing valuable Talent within your organisation.

In my previous career, I was an HR Manager and know only too well the challenges that the peri-menopause can bring to women in the workplace and how sometimes we feel we simply don’t have the resources available to us to robustly support our colleagues.

A lot of workplaces focus only on the physical symptoms of the peri-menopause overlooking the often overwhelming negative impact that peri-maenopause can have on mental health. I work with organisations and offer a variety of services that aim to support women to navigate their way through the peri-menopause and how it presents at work, as well as offering support and guidance to managers so they have the tools and the knowledge to robustly support their teams.


Services available to organisations

Menopause Awareness Training - available remotely or in-person

Menopause Compassion Circle

Building a compassionate inner voice during the peri-menopause - a 12-week programme